Sunday, December 11, 2005

The End

My time as an au pair is over... as is this blog. I'll be keeping all the posts up still but there will be no new posts here. If you want to read about my current adventures you can check out my new blog on *smile*


Blogger chelalou said...

Hi! I googled au pair blogs and I got you. I just got back from school abroad in Spain and I loved it! I lived with a host family and I miss them so much. I really want to go back, but if I do..I need a job! I was thinking about being an au pair, but I'm a little nervous about that.You seemed like you loved it. Could you give me some information on it and how I can find a nice host family and where I apply. I'd really appreciate it.


Sun Jun 17, 10:16:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger Sani Hadek said...

hey there!!

Caindo no Mundo - Au Pair

Thu Oct 16, 11:54:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger Talya Shoup said...

I would recommend going to the International Au Pair Association's website to find out about au pair agencies in your country. An agency should be able to help you find a great host family and work through all the kinks of getting moved, settled, etc,.

I loved my time in Germany as an au pair and would HIGHLY recommend it! You can read more about my experience as an au pair on my personal blog,

Wed Oct 13, 10:25:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger Lukas Gawelek said...

Hey, if you will ever consider on working as an Au Pair and gaining new experience in new countries like Ireland, you might register your profile on

Thu Nov 03, 08:39:00 PM GMT+1  
Blogger Unknown said...

i like visit different country like Germany etc

Wed Jan 04, 12:35:00 AM GMT+1  
Blogger Au pair Australia said...

As Talya said, I do recommend registering with an International association of au pairs to make sure you get support and a contract, I found the au pair website which is free for all au pairs

Wed Aug 01, 09:00:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger from London to my little sister said...

Hey! Interesting to see another au-pair blog. Mine is about Italy - if you are feeling au-pair nostalgic have a look at mine, I've just started in Italy...advice welcome!!

Let me know what you think!

Sun Nov 10, 11:08:00 PM GMT+1  
Blogger Anna said...

Hi! I love your blog.
I’m an au pair in the US, and I love it!
You should stop by in my blog, it’s in italian but you can translate it!

Mon Feb 10, 06:47:00 PM GMT+1  
Blogger Mapoe Sims said...

So, I don't know if you still get notifications for this blog or anything since it's over 10 years old, but I just wanted to thank you for making this. I really want to live in the Netherlands, and I think I'm going to au pair there next year. My family is being super unspportive because they don't want me to leave university, but your blog made me sure that this is the right thing for me to do. And for that I just wanted to thank you.


Sun Aug 09, 08:13:00 AM GMT+2  

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