Sunday, November 06, 2005


I've been doing this blog for a year now, woo hoo! *smile* It's amazing to me how much I've done and how much my life has changed in the past year. I've visited several different countries. Become (basically) fluent in another language. Met tons of amazing, fun and interesting people and a couple that weren't so great, hehe. I've eaten all sorts of weird and delicious things and done some pretty crazy stuff...It's been an absolutely wonderful year and I wouldn't trade my experience for anything. In about a month from now my time as an au pair will end but I'm extremely excited about the coming year and the many fun blogs that will come out of it *smile*


Blogger Duke_of_Earle said...

A full year! Congratulations! I've enjoyed scanning through your descriptions of many of those experiences.

Just curious: which part of Chicago do you live in? Now that I'm a little familiar with the town and my daughter lives there. No, I DON'T want your address or anything, just the general neighborhood.


Wed Nov 09, 02:10:00 PM GMT+1  
Blogger SkyMommy said...

i actually grew up about an hour outside chicago in indiana, but I've spent quite a bit of time in the city and being so close I generally say I'm from Chicago because nobody knows where the town I'm from is *smile*

Wed Nov 09, 03:09:00 PM GMT+1  
Blogger Joel said...

*claps* congrats on one year hon!

Thu Nov 10, 01:52:00 AM GMT+1  

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