Wednesday, November 02, 2005

December Ninth

I bought my plane ticket last night. It's really official, I'm going back to the good ol' U.S. of A. I've had such a wonderfully amazing time here. I've met many new people, seen so many new things and learned an unbelievable amount of stuff about myself and the world. I've grown so much over the past year and a half and I wouldn't trade this experience I had for anything. I'm now moving on to the next phase of my life which I'm VERY excited about as well. So yeah, that's my big news. For all my Holland people, I will miss each and every one of you very much. Those state side, I can't wait to see you all. Look out here I come!


Blogger Duke_of_Earle said...


Long time no comment! (Me too, of course.)

Check out THIS LINK for some info on the "Cloud Gate" sculpture in Millenium Park. You locals may have called it "The Bean", but the sculptor apparently had a different idea.


Tue Nov 08, 07:20:00 PM GMT+1  

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