Sunday, May 29, 2005

I love weekends

I had a nice weekend. We had a couple days of hot weather, as in like 30 C, and it was soooo nice!!! Unfortunately it's now back to being cold and rainy, blech :P Oh well, at least it was nice for a couple days right?
Friday, I got to meet up with a new girl, Denisa, from the Slovak Republic. She just moved to Rotterdam, about 10 mins from where I live, so I'm excited. She's really nice. We hung out, did some shopping, had apple pie at Dudok and then saw House of Wax (horrible, horrible movie by the way, don't waste your money. And had I known before hand that it had Paris Hilton in it I would NEVER have watched it...don't even get me started on her, lol) Saturday, a group of us got together because Anna had a couple friends from the States visiting. We had a lot of fun just hanging out and dancing. Here's the crew from the evening (I didn't end up getting a decent picture of Julian sorry...):

Anna Maria, Caitlin and I

Carrie and Erik


and Jamie and her boyfriend Matt (he doesn't like having his picture taken...)

So yeah, that was the group of us. Fun stuff :)


Blogger SkyMommy said...

The first three photos were taken at Havana's in Den Haag. The last one was taken at Het Paard Cafe, also in Den Haag :)

Mon May 30, 01:16:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger Ineke said...

Lol Myf; appletart.
Never looked at it that way !

Tue May 31, 12:15:00 PM GMT+2  

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